Our approach described for different functions involved


The same state of affairs can be described from different points of view. For the same situation described, words used and consequences on which each one focuses can be different.


Semantics and objectives are declined differently

Semantics used over the years to designate a part of technical services of an industrial site has evolved.
Expectations and objectives set for these technical services have also changed.
Nowadays, economic difficulties, conjunctural or sectors constraints are more pronounced.

Maintenance budgets have to be reduced, workforce has evolved and increasingly high performances must be achieved in terms of operational availability, overall equipment efficciency (OEE), reliability (MTBF) or energy consomption.
Since many years, this is the context in which MAINTENANCE PERFORMANCE's customers are evolving.


Focus on progress areas at different levels in the organization

Programs to reduce maintenance costs, to use adapted software for Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) have allowed companies to adapted to this context.
However, improvements are more and more tricky to implement and follow.

MAINTENANCE PERFORMANCE brings, with its consultants specialized in industrial maintenance, its expertise to support its customers, detect achievable progress in maintenance and enable them quickly to tend to optimized practices and increase resulting performance of their activities.



Presentation of our activities for each function


Site Director


Improve the Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) of your facilities and limit the capital employed while ensuring to benefit from short ROI

Optimize your processes while ensuring to apply the best practices in used for your industry

Improve the efficiency of your organization and collaboration between departments while ensuring to optimize site performances


Your conviction is that your production tools could work better and that your maintenance service could be more efficient.
However, from your point of view, real optimizations with sustainable consequences can not be the result of a sum of progress actions implemented over time without a real overall cohesion.


Financial director


Optimize capital use by ensuring the profitability and managing the activities risks of your business.

Establish optimized maintenance budget and ensure proper follow up during execution.

Supervise financial management by ensuring to optimize performances.


You notice increasing discrepancies or irregularities from year to year between maintenance budget and costs actually charged.
You want to define an optimized budget for all maintenance activities while guaranteeing the operational availability of the production means over time and in a sustanaible way.


Production director


Organize production by ensuring to reach cost targets.

Optimize the company's industrial policy by ensuring that improve processes and quality level.

Reduce costs and process energy consumption of industrial tool.

Set production goals by ensuring to optimize performances.


You notice effects from repeated impact of technical failures and production shutdowns. You are the guarantor of right and proper balance between plan of production achievement and sustainable long term preservation of production equipment.


Maintenance Manager


Maintain the company's equipment while managing the maintenance budget.

Optimize industrial maintenance management by ensuring to employ most efficient techniques and means.

Manage maintenance teams activities while ensuring effectiveness of the actions taken.

Improve equipment reliability while ensuring to optimize performances.


You suffer and must face from consequences of maintenance budget reduction, staff reduction or even loss of skills in the technical team. However, you must maintain all production equipments in nominal operating conditions and meet the other objectives that are assigned to you. You wonder about the merits of being able to do better / less than the current level achieved by your organization.


Reliability Engineer


Improve reliability of equipment while ensuring to reduce maintenance costs.

Reduce breakdowns number on more problematic equipments on your site.

Increase equipment uptime (MTBF) while ensuring to optimize performances.


You analyze technical failures on production equipment. You are wondering about technical provisions that could be improved in the follow up of your equipments. You want to be able to better detect and predict with greater certainty some equipments failure probability.


Maintenance Supervisor


Perform maintenance activities on equipments while limiting extra maintenance costs that could be avoid.

Manage maintenance activities and maintenance teams by following rules and procedures applicable on the site.

Improve working conditions and intervention of your teams in the workshop or on site while making sure to optimize performance.


You have to do better with a smaller team and do it faster. You want to propose to your team and managers progress actions that will concretely improve maintenance tasks execution that you have to manage in the field.


Your job



Chemical industry

Petrochemical industry

Plastic industry

Metallurgical industry, steel industry

Extractive industry, cement works

Pharmaceutical industry

Energy production

Cosmetic industry

Agro food industry

Hospital, Airport

Wastewater treatment plant, incinerator

Tertiary sector, branch networks